
Hey what's up

Welcome back today's in post 

My name is Zahid

If you don't know me by now 

I am your nutritionist with my three main goals of helping you move, feel and look better through mobility nutrition and training 

And today's in post we're gonna be going over tops tips for Hydration

Over and over again all right is that you just go to stay hydrated

Water is the mechanism that helps burn

Fat right out the body not technically but it's responsible for all over metabolic procsses and functions from sleeping to breathing to blinking to eating I mean water facilitates and helps with all so that you want to drink plenty of water

And one of the go tips is right when you wake up: drink at lease of a minimum of 90 ounces now 

Now that this kinda goes all over the place because if you're overweight you need to have eight ounces for every certain amount of weight that you're adding 

And if you're outside in the sun for more than 30 minutes you need another eight ounces

If you're only drinking two cups of water and I say drinking a gallon that's way too much 

And changed are you're not gonna stick with it 

We want sustainable transformation so when it comes to water 

We wanna make sure that we start wherever we're ate and if you're already drinking a gallon may be you're good 

May be you need to drink a little bit more if you're active 

But we wanna start with where you're ate

And then make a little changes along the way 

Some things that goes with nutrition and food 

When we're increasing or decreasing calories 

Small subtle changes is along the way so drinking plenty of water get that easy hydration window first thing in the morning

And at least every few hours just make sure you drinking it

Because you wanna make sure you stay optimally hydrated cause a lot of time you body gonna send mixed signals telling you that you're hungry when you're actually thirsty 

So before you drink some water wait 15 minutes and then go ahead and eat 

If you're really hungry

