Welcome back today's in post
I'm bisma zahid your trusted nutritionist
**Listen you're gotta rid of the bullshit you can't eating all this crappy food **
It's not working for you
To many times I see people start a new brand new nutrition program and then they fail and they quit and they're demotivated Why?
*** Because they don't find their efforts in blooming result***
"Listen,you've gotta eat the right food."
Thousands of new cells are created in your body every single day and thousands of new cells are destroyed.
So,if you're fueling your body with Cheetos you're not gonna look your best
You gotta make sure eating the right food and it all starts with a healthy and clean nutritious diet so think basic at the very basic
It's like eat some fruits,have some strawberries vegetables,broccoli,lean protein with every meal
*It's not complicated*
If you're eating out getting pops from Starbucks ,getting burger and big Macs from McDonald's
You know that's not gonna get you to where you wanna be.
Yes you're probably gonna get a lot stronger.
If you are doing a strength training program but you're not gonna see the fat melt off your stomach and changes are if you're wanting to get in shape.
You wanna have a flat stomach and it's why we all start here in the first place so please get rid of the junk.
***Six ways to eliminate junk food in your diet***
*Get plenty of sleep.
*Eat regularly meals so you don't get too hungry.
*Drink water first and eliminate sugar sweetened beverages.
*Consume snacks that are nutritious and low in calories.
*Understand your stressors.
*Keep a smile on your face and realize the downside of marketing.